Today is 31st day of lock-down and it's very difficult to believe what has happened in all these days. Is this a reality or just a dream? A question that also used to trouble Mr. Cobb in the movie Inception. So he used to spin his totem to check that time to time. Today I also tried to check it with a floppy as my totem(My new photography skills are helping me to take such shots)
I mean look around you. We live in a city called Mumbai, a city that never sleeps, but majority of the people(except the ones who are in essential services) are at home. The Mumbai Local trains are considered to be the life line of the city and no signs of them running over these days. Recently somewhere in Mumbai peacocks were spotted. We have realized that we can live without any hotel food. The Himalayan ranges are visible from a village in Haryana. Ganga river's purity has increased drastically. Ozone layer of the Earth is increasing. So many developed nations having high-class medical facilities are dependent on India for one medicine which is the need of hour! All these sounds unbelievable isn't it? Hence I felt let me check by spinning the totem. As expected, the totem fell down.
Some say that the nature is healing itself. Yes, its true that over these years we have caused immense damage to our mother nature and we have crossed all our limits. The actual cause of the whole thing - COVID-19, is actually a flue like disease and it is not as deadly as other diseases. But our life-style has damaged our immune system and health so much that we are not able to win it. Its high time that we should understand our limits and change our lifestyle. Nature has been so kind to us that it is silently healing itself for our benefit, we should respect it. For the time being - we can stay at home, take care of ourselves and be thankful to the people who are working relentlessly for us out there. Let's just pray and hope that the world recovers from this pandemic soon.